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Infoway is a place for people passionate about their craft.

Whether it is applying creative designs for a website or implementing the latest know-how in their field of work. We work as a team to make our passion/dedication infectious across our company. Our professionals keep abreast of the latest happenings in their field, whether it is cloud computing , using Hadoop for processing huge amounts of data in Data warehousing projects, HTML5 or flash and flex for web development et al.

We are looking for the best and brightest, the hungriest, those looking for a challenge. We believe in getting on board those who can share and learn at the same time. This makes us the company grow exponentially. No fiefdoms or toxic personalities please. Talent is important but attitude is even more so! We at Infoway firmly believe in that mantra. Infoway is not a place for ego and pride except in "being proud to collaborate and enrich" the environment.